Betty Bennett on 3/31 reported via e-mail: From March 20 each day including today, white Pelicans 1/2 way between Carpentersville dam and Fox River Shores Preserve on logs and island in middle of Fox River. They can be seen from the Fox River bike trail. The spot is about 2 miles N of Rt 72 going N on the bike trail, Fox River trail.

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans photo courtesy Betty Bennett

Gabriel Bourge on 3/30 reported via e-mail: American White Pelicans in North Aurora in pond off Tanner Rd just west of Deerpath.

American White Pelicans

American White Pelican photos courtesy Antonio Bourge

American White Pelicans

Jon Duerr on 3/29 reported via eBird: An early Louisiana Waterthrush at Quarry Park in Batavia.

Bob Andrini on 3/29 reported via text: A Common Loon at the lake at Big Rock Forest Preserve.

Mark Bowman on 3/28 reported via e-mail: While road biking today, there was 20+ White Pelicans in pond off Tanner Rd just west of Deerpath. There was also a few Sandhill Cranes adjacent to the Pelicans in the field.

Theresa LeCompte on 3/23 reported via e-mail: It was hard to take a picture that included all of the American White Pelicans on Nelson Lake this morning. Some were also up on the north end as well as down in the south corner. Counting by 5's, the total number was around 300.

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans photo courtesy Theresa LeCompte

Peter Mazur on 3/21 reported via e-mail: I noticed about two dozen American White Pelicans on Lake Prestbury [in Aurora] on March 18. As of 5:00PM March 21, they are still here much of the day, numbering about 36 at the moment.

American White Pelicans

American White Pelicans photo courtesy Peter Mazur

Brendon Lake on 3/21 reported via IBET: I spent some time around my neck of the woods today. The flooded agricultural fields are proving productive for waterfowl as the ponds and marshes continue to thaw, most are open at this point. At the intersection of Burlington and Rohrsen Roads just SE of Burlington, I found a flock of 56 Tundra Swans a couple of days ago. They were still there today when I checked this afternoon, with 4 more that had come in since yesterday, making a total of 60! This is by far the most I've ever seen together in the county. There was also a smattering of ducks, wood ducks, canvasback, redhead, lesser scaup, and ring-necked ducks.

I made a trip up to the Stonegate subdivision on Allen Road in Hampshire, and found the singing Western Meadowlark just as Karen Lund had mentioned a day or so ago. It seems this could be the last good year for this species, 4 houses are already up, and I anticipate development will accelerate with warmer weather. The subdivision on the south side of the road also has new homes up.

A new body of water I learned about on the Rutland CBC drew my curiosity, so I checked the Lakewood Crossing subdivision on Big Timber Road, and was rewarded with 2 Red-Breasted Mergansers, which are fairly uncommon in western Kane County.

The Tundra Swans have become big news locally, and have drawn a large amount of interest, especially from non-birders! As I watched them today, random vehicles pulled up to and behind me, asking about them. I shared my scope with a curious mother and daughter, and shared a lively conversation with a butterfly enthusiast. If you want to view the swans, please follow these guidelines to keep in good graces with locals. Please park on the south side of Rohrsen road, and leave enough room for large vehicles, there is an excavating business at the end of Rohrsen Road. Either stay in the car, or on the south shoulder of the road, to avoid spooking the birds. Finally, enjoy! They are very vocal!

Sarah Engel on 3/20 reported via e-mail: Hello! Wanted to let you know there were four pelicans on the depot pond in downtown Batavia today, they hung around for a few hours fishing.  I was only able to snap a few phone photos but it was a fantastic surprise to look out and see them.

American White Pelican

American White Pelican photo courtesy Sarah Engel

Bob Andrini on 3/19 reported via text: Pelicans are at Nelson's Lake this morning.

Sid and Vickie Packard on 3/18 reported via e-mail: There were about 25 American White pelicans north of the Carpentersville dam earlier this afternoon.

American White Pelican

American White Pelican photos courtesy Sid and Vickie Packard

American White Pelicans

Bob Andrini on 3/14 reported via text: Tree Swallows and Wood Ducks at Fabyan Forest Preserve.

Thesesa LeCompte and Jon Duerr on 3/14 reported via eBird: At Les Arends Forest Preserve, three Pine Warblers.

Brendon Lake on 3/14 reported via eBird: Four Trumpeter Swans near the intersection of Plato and Dittman roads. "Two are continuing from yesterday evening. Large white swans with rusty brown on the head and part of the neck. Lores in front of the eyes were all black and wide open, v-shape where the forehead and top of the bill come together."

Diane Hansen on 3/12 reported via e-mail: After seeing my first Turkey Vulture of the year along Randall Road Monday on my way to Sherman Hospital I went home for a while before returning to Sherman for John's appointment.

On our way home from that I noticed a bird that caught my eye in a tree along the entrance road. I got out to check it out and discovered an American Kestrel hanging on to a high branch in the stiff wind. It stayed long enough for me to walk on the sidewalk around it to get pictures from the front.

American Kestrel

American Kestrel photo courtesy Diane Hansen

Jim Shotsberger on 3/11 reported via e-mail: Long Eared Owl Sighting 3/9/2019. On my back deck [in Sleepy Hollow] for 6 hours. Amazing bird.

Long-eared Owl

Long-eared Owl photo courtesy Jim Shotsberger

Mike Bily on 3/10 reported via IBET: There were seven American White Pelicans flying south over the Fox River at Geneva, at 11:00 AM Saturday.

Walt Lutz on 3/9 reported via e-mail: "Checking it out"..........this morning at Jelke Bird Sanctuary.

Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebirds photo courtesy Walt Lutz

Oliver Burrus on 3/6 reported via IBET: Insane amounts of Canada Geese at Carpentersville Dam and Fox River Shores right now, roughly 5 thousand in the water and on the ice at the dam alone, about the same at Fox River Shores plus another 7 or 8 thousand in the air. Only 1 Cackling was seen, no white or White-fronted Geese seen.

Marion Miller on 3/1 reported via e-mail: Rich and I were excited to find a White-winged Scoter yesterday swimming from below the South Elgin dam to just south of the State Street bridge. Also we were surprised to see 2 Double-crested Cormorants at the Fox River Shores Preserve. It was a nice day to be birding the Fox River.

White-winged Scoter

White-winged Scoter photo courtesy Marion Miller



This page last updated Tuesday May 12, 2020

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